Inguinal Hernia Surgery
What is a Hernia?
A hernia is a bulge that has formed when the internal organs of the body push through a weak spot in the abdominal wall. There are different types of hernias based on their location.
What is an Inguinal hernia?
An inguinal hernia is an abnormal bulge of a section of intestine and fluids in the groin region. In children, an inguinal hernia is present from the time of birth. It is caused by a weakened spot in the abdominal wall when an opening in the wall does not normally close before birth.
Symptoms of Inguinal hernia
The herniated intestine usually moves in and out of the weakened wall and maybe noticeable only when your baby coughs, cries or strains during bowel movements. Sometimes, the intestine gets trapped in the opening (incarcerated hernia) and blood flow gets blocked (strangulated hernia), leading to tissue damage and complications. The most common symptoms are sudden pain, swelling or burning, nausea, and vomiting. When you present with these symptoms, your child’s doctor performs a thorough physical examination.
Treatment for Inguinal Hernia
Treatment for inguinal hernia is usually surgery, performed under general anaesthesia. A small incision is made on the groin’s skin fold to identify the bulged intestine. Your child’s surgeon then gently pushes the intestine back into its proper position behind the muscle wall. The hernia sac is removed, and the incision is closed with stitches to prevent a recurrence.